FAQ SSENS School of Special Educational Needs Sensory
FAQ SSENS School of Special Educational Needs Sensory


School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory

There are three areas of support available to schools; teaching and learning, professional learning and consultancy.

The school principal or delegate contacts the School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory.  The call will be referred to the appropriate member of the school leadership group.

All referrals require evidence of a diagnosed hearing loss and/or vision impairment, eg audiogram, ophthalmologist/optometrist report.

Each service referral will be dealt with on an individual basis to ensure support is tailored to meet the needs of the student.

SSEN: Sensory supports children at any age from birth with a hearing loss and/or vision impairment from diagnosis.

The Early Childhood Service provides one on one support tailored to meet individual need.  Additionally family engagement in Playgroup is encouraged for 0 to 3 year olds and a 3-4 year old small group program is available through the Lighthouse Littlies program.

There is a Sensory Visiting Teacher Service and support is based on individual student educational needs from Kindergarten through to Year 12/13.

SSEN: Sensory is a statewide service.  Some major country towns have local Sensory Visiting Teachers available whilst more remote areas are supported on a needs and/or request basis.

SSEN Sensory has two specialised visiting teacher programs; Deaf Education and Vision Education. These roles may encompass the following:

  • To support the communicative, academic and social/emotional needs of students.

  • To increase the capacity of the school community and classroom teachers to develop and implement teaching and learning adjustments for students.

  • To provide direct teaching and consultation (including modelling).

  • To implement the relevant expanded core curricula.

  • To collaborate with the school community and external stakeholders to implement appropriate individual education plans, support school case management, and provide consultative support regarding minor works (Vision Education).

  • To assist in the development of emergent literacy and numeracy.

  • To provide direct instruction in the relevant Braille codes and in Auslan language development as a first language.

  • To assess the needs of each child and provide appropriate resources.

Yes. The visiting teachers provide highly individualised support in the education and communication development for these students whilst collaborating with parents and therapy teams.

The School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory collaborates with School Curriculum and Standards Authority to ensure accessibility for assessments.  Sensory Visiting Teachers will conduct assessments, monitor and advise the school on recommended Special Examination Arrangements, which meet demonstrated need, to trial through the senior school years.  Sensory Visiting Teachers will support the school in their case management processes.

Sensory Visiting Teachers will conduct assessments, monitor and advise the school on recommended disability adjustments that meet demonstrated need.  Sensory Visiting Teachers will make suitable disability adjustment recommendations for NAPLAN Assessments, Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessments (OLNA) and Externally Set Tasks (ESTs).

Your SSEN: Sensory Visiting Teacher of the Deaf will advise the most appropriate teaching and learning adjustments.  Types of adjustments to suit students with hearing loss may include:

  • preferential seating;

  • amplification management and classroom environment (acoustics);

  • access to visual cues;

  • and captioning access.

Your SSEN: Sensory Vision Visiting Teacher will advise the most appropriate teaching and learning adjustments.  Types of adjustments to suit students with vision impairment may include:

  • seating,

  • positioning,

  • lighting and classroom environment;

  • contrast;

  • organisation and time requirements;

  • assistive technology;

  • and resources in alternative format (large print, audio, braille, tactile).

Sensory teachers work with the student, school/s and family to determine the level of support and the specific strategies required to ensure a student successfully transitions between schools.

Yes, the school psychologist is available to consult and support school psychologists working with students with a sensory disability/need.

School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory

This video is about the role of the School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory.

As SSEN: S educational programs and services are government funded, they will be provided at no cost to the school, parents, or guardians of eligible students with hearing loss, vision impairment or dual sensory loss.

At SSEN: S it is our mission to ensure every child with hearing loss, vision impairment or dual sensory loss achieves to their full potential.